If you’re following me on Instagram, you might have seen this!
And if not, yip! Our lives are about to change dramatically!
No man! Why the drama?!
Well let’s call it adventure. Not drama lol.
We’re pregnant! Our not so little Adam is going to be a big brother, and we’re learning how to split our hearts in two to love our littlest soon due. I say soon because I am already in my second trimester and I have no idea where time went between today and that other day I peed on a stick. So we were planning and I must have been around 3 weeks pregnant when I bought about 3 tests. I waited for a week to pass and counted “the missed days” and then took the first test. I should then be around 4 weeks now. I said a prayer in the bathroom while waiting, and I felt such a great peace cover me as I asked God to help me graciously accept the outcome. I trusted that no matter one or two lines, it’s God’s timing not ours. Kevin was waiting for the news outside the bathroom door and Adam had no idea what was happening.
Next thing I remember was the sight of the two lines and me in tears.
Tears of remarkable joy.
From thereon leading up today and seeing our Doctor and hearing our littlest love’s heartbeat, everyday has been a blessing and we are so so grateful to God for allowing us to be parents again.
Adam is super excited and wants a sister.
He even has a name picked out for his sister
– A V A N A H.
Mom loves the name. Dad not so sure. We have a list of possible names for a boy and a girl with beautiful significance, so we will have to wait and confirm the gender. I am kinda considering doing a little gender reveal for little big brother to be and the family. But then I’m reminded of Adam’s pregnancy when our Doc confirmed a girl, we had a name and everything and everyone bought PINK! Fastforward to 31 weeks when I had a bad cold and went to my GP who then confirmed that our “little boy” was a little busy bee. I immediatly booked a 4D and just made it at 32 weeks to confirm the gender, and alas! It was a boy! Back to all the shops to return every single pink item and shift out hearts to loving a little boy we soon get to meet. He also didn’t give us much time, because 4 weeks later, Adam arrived at 36 weeks weighing 3.98 … story for another day.
For now, I am taking things easy and also feeling so much more at ease this time round with the second baba. Adam’s pregnancy was a high risk and for most of the pregnancy I was paranoid and anxious and scared. This time round I have so much peace and it goes back to the prayer I said that night in the loo before seeing the two lines on a stick.
On the downside, my body feels weak this time round and and I have aches and I feel like I complain too much because now I’m a little older and as my Doctor reminds me “fuller” or bigger vs my small frame with Adam’s pregnancy.
Am I scared? Naturally a bit of anxiety kicks in from time to time, especially after the previous high risk factor.
But I am embracing this journey no matter how hard because when I look into my newborns’ eyes, it will all be worth it.