30 life L E S S O N S at 30

My post might sound like something you have heard before, but at 30, today I look back at the things that have shaped me and molded me into the woman I have become.


Sometimes I fight with myself.

I go quiet and I don’t talk to myself, this also means that I don’t grow because I am not dealing with my feelings.  But there is nothing like a wake up call from the guy living on the street to remind you that you take things for granted at times.

While I am grateful for life and love, it’s not always easy to take one day at a time.

Looking back I now know that we all make mistakes and that everyone is working hard on what they think is better, bigger and grander.

So we take one day at a time, one step at a time and learn to include self-love, love for other and loves for things that compliment us and complete us.

  1. Be happy with yourself… there is only one you and not a single copy of you.  Hold onto who you are and love YOU!

  2. You are allowed to be a mess.  Embrace the beautiful mess you are.

  3. I’ve learnt that it’s ok to not have a plan and know what next?!  As long as you are working on becoming a better version of yourself and the part of you that you know.

  4. Forgiveness makes you feel lighter.  So let go and let God.

  5. You have to alter your attitude.  Attitude is everything!

  6. Take care of yourself.  Because as many wiser ones before us have said, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Spend time with yourself. Get to know YOU, even if it means you have to make a list and write letters to yourself.

  7. Friends are like seasons they come and go, but family, they are like succulents.  They don’t need much and they will keep growing if you allow them to.

  8. We are all just winging it because we have not seen our life scripts, so we take one scene at a time.

  9. Know your worth.  Because it matters.  C. JoyBell C. once said:  “You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don’t know it, all of that doesn’t even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself; is a second of your life wasted, is a moment of your life thrown away….”

  10. Not everyone thinks or works like you, learn to be a leader and delegate, but also try to teach.

  11. It’s ok to fail. Just don’t stay down get back up and learn from the experience.

  12. Giving and paying it forward will make you happier.  Try it, it really does.

  13. Learn from people you admire.  There is a reason why you admire them and why you feel drawn to their work of art.

  14. Eat more mindfully and appreciate flavour.  This is a thing – as a child I hated veggies, now I can’t live without it and I feel like I have missed out on so much so eat the veggies dammit!

  15. Trust your journey, no one else is walking the same path.

  16. No one can motivate you, until you motivate yourself.  So GET UP and GO!

  17. I haven’t been alone on this earth for 30 years, so I also owe some of my understanding and knowledge to a few others who have been on my journey.

  18. One of the lessons I have learnt is from my Daddy, is to always do your best.  He often encouraged me to do something once and do it best so you don’t have to re-do it.

  19. My Mummy always reminded me that you have to love yourself first.  This is one of the ingredients to my confidence.   I love me and it shows.

  20. My grandmother Magdalene AKA Lien AKA Ouma Lena taught me to freely give, because as you freely give you shall freely receive.  But do not give because you want to receive, give because you want to.

  21. My mentor in the performing arts world once told me to feed your passion, is the most uplifting experiences ever.  So find your passion and feed it.

  22. Constantly work you YOU, to be a better version of yourself and to stand firm in who you know you are.

  23. Control the “controllable”.  Stressing your bum off won’t help a thing. Control what and where you can.

  24. Expect more – do more! you have one life, make it count.

  25. Surround yourself with the people who get you.  These are the people who will remind you of who you truly are on your weaker days.

  26. Do little things to keep yourself inspired.

  27. Celebrated milestones and achievements will remind you every now and then how much you have grown and how far you have come, so celebrate life’s happenings.

  28. Be colourful, it sets a mood and uplifts people around you.

  29. Learn from people who have hurt you.

  30. Gratitude means the world to others.  Do what you can to always show how grateful you are.


You been thinking about how you have grown in the last year?

Like, what kinda life lessons can you share from your life script?

Until next time…

Love & Laughter

Big Mouth Rae

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